Thursday, June 21, 2012

Page 28 of SARIE

Page 28 of SARIE

"Ons lewe in 'n wereld waar ons die blink kant bo hou, terwyl die helften van ons naby breekpunt is.  Ons loop nie met ons hart op ons moe nie, praat nie uit ons binnenkamer nie."  Janie du Plessis

God ‘druk Sy vinger by die sneller in’

2012-06-21 07:26
'n Blesbokkop vir R70. Johan Roestorf, eienaar, in die Reitzburg-winkel. Foto: Charles Smith
REITZBURG. – Die Here het een nag hier Sy hand tussen die sneller van ’n 9mm-pistool en die vinger van ’n rower gedruk.

Die booswig het die rewolwer vier keer teen Johan Roestorf se kop gedruk en die sneller getrek. Vier keer het die rewolwer net geklik.

Reitzburg, die kleinste dorpie in die Vrystaat, is ’n eenwinkel-plekkie. ’n Plaaswinkel langs ’n stofstraat. Stof, murasies, bome. Stories wat stof geword het. Soos dié storie.

Rooi deure

Jy druk die rooi deure van die Reitzburg-winkel oop. Dié aand, vyf jaar gelede, het drie rowers van oorkant die Vaalrivier aan die deure geklop. Die Roestorfs, wat agterin woon, het oopgemaak om mense te help.

Die verhaal wat jy hier in die skemer hoor, is angswekkend en ook inspirerend. Saam met die booswigte het nóg ’n Figuur gestap, sien jy in Johan Roestorf se oë.

“Daai aand roep die Here my aan in my oomblik van benoudheid. In my gedagtes sê ek: ‘Here, dis nou die tyd. Ek roep U aan!’ Daai aand het die Here ons werklik, werklik beskerm.”

Die booswigte het Roestorf, eienaar van die Reitzburg-winkel, en sy vrou aangehou en geld en wapens geëis. Wat toe gebeur het, is iets wat die aanvallers liefs sal wil vergeet.

Jy rúík die plaaswinkel as jy hier instap. Op die rakkie bo die tamaties, uie en aartappels is afrikanerbees-horings te koop teen R30. En ’n blesbokskedel vir R70.

Raserige deuntjie

Op die stoep speel ’n raserige deuntjie op ’n selfoon. Mense drink bier en speel kaart. Susan Roestorf maak vuur in ’n konka met palmtakke. So 140 jaar gelede toe hier aan die oewer van die Vaal goud ontdek is in die Vredefort-koepel was dit ’n lewendige plek.

Goud is aan die Witwatersrand ontdek en die delwers het verhuis.

Dis doodstil en bitter koud.

Johan en Susan Roestorf is al 32 jaar hier. Eensaam ja, maar hy doen flink sake. Hulle mik nou om te trek.

Die winkel en sy stories bly.

Daar was die koei wat elke oggend haar halwe witbrood in die winkel kom haal het. Daar’s ’n wonderlike foto van haar teen die glaskas. Ook ’n foto van ’n boer wat sy skaap op die toonbank kom plak het.

Woeste geveg

Dan is daar dié storie oor die woeste geveg ’n aand in Februarie 2007: Die booswigte wat die aand in die donker winkel hul haelgeweer, .303- en .22-geweer geroof het.

Susan sê toe sy haar man hoor roep en ’n gestoei hoor, het sy besef dis ’n aanval. Sy het die kamerdeur toegedruk.

Toe sy na buite hardloop, voel sy hoe een haar gryp en sy hoor ’n skoot klap.

“Ek besef toe ek is nie dood nie. Ek beweeg my arms, my bene, my voete en draai my kop. Ek dink toe: Nee wat, ek lewe nog. Hy het my opgepluk aan my klere.”

In die winkel sien sy hoe hulle haar man skop. Sy is vasgebind. Sy het gevoel dit word warm aan haar bors. Toe sy afkyk, besef sy sy is deur die bors geskiet.

“Ek lê toe daar en bid vir die Here: ‘Spaar ons lewens, asseblief. Laat hulle vat wat hulle wil hê.’ Ek het so ’n rukkie gelê toe kry ek my hande los. Hulle was nog besig met die oom.”


Een booswig het uitgeloop met sigarette. Sy het die deur toegedruk, haar hande om die Marnet-radio gedruk en hulp geroep. Binne minute was boere op pad.

Sy het haar weggesteekte wapen in die hande gekry. Die booswig het ingekom en oor die radio gehoor hulp is op pad.

“Toe dink ek: Soos wat hulle uithardloop, sal ek hulle afmaai! My rewolwer was net bietjies te swak. Toe ek die een skiet, laat val hy sy rewolwer. Ek loer om en sien die tweede een gaan skiet. Ek koes en hy skiet langs die telefoon vas.”

‘Maar ek skiet’

“Toe ek weer sien, sien ek hulle hardloop by die hek uit. Maar ek skiet. Ek maak daai rewolwer leeg, al sien ek niemand nie. Hulle het die .303 by die hek laat val, die .22 en my juwelekissie. Ook die sakkie met die kleingeld; die note het hulle in hul sakke gedruk.”

Die polisie het daarna nie gedink sy het die een booswig raakgeskiet nie.

“Ek het gesê: Ek wéét dit was raak. Ek het nog die vorige dag ’n aap uit die boom geskiet.”

Johan Roestorf het gereken dit moes ’n speelgoedwapen wees wat hulle teen sy kop gedruk het. Hulle het die sneller vier keer getrek en vier keer het hy net geklik.

Susan: “Toe sê die polisieman nee, dit was ’n 9-millimeter met nog sewe rondes in.”

Die rowers is met hul wapens aangekeer.

Die Here is híér

Johan: “Dis toe wat ek besef: Die Here kan Sy vinger by die sneller indruk. Dan gaan die skoot nie af nie. Ek glo dit. Absoluut.”

Hulle vrees niks nie. Wat moet gebeur, moet gebeur, die Here is híér in die Reitzburg-winkel. Hy was hier en is nóg hier. - Volksblad

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wou na BSF gaan, bid toe daaroor en pas daarna lees ek die artikel. Wens ek kon erens inskakel

BSF International

Looking for BSF's website?  Go HERE

BSF International (BSF), formerly known as Bible Study Fellowship, is a popular "interdenominational lay Christian organization with Bible study classes in cities across the United States and the world."  This para-church group was founded by A. Wetherell Johnson, a former, unmarried female missionary with the China Inland Mission (Hudson Taylor).  In 1958, Ms. Johnson accepted an invitation to go to the liberal vortex of San Francisco to conduct bible classes for the revival converts of Billy Graham's neo-evangelical crusades.  She then formed a board of directors and incorporated Bible Study Fellowship--BSF.
Upon Johnson's retirement, Rosemary Jensen became Executive Director (ED) and served for nearly twenty years.  In 2000, she reportedly moved to the ministry of Wall Watchers, Matthews, NC.  Mrs. Jean Nystrand assumed the position of ED.  Ms. Jensen maintained close ties to the largely Reformed/Presbyterian, anti-dispensational Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE) where she is was (1996) a standing member of their Executive Council.  ACE adheres to and advocates covenant theology and the sacramentalism of the Protestant Reformation.
The organization's headquarters, along with a paid staff of approximately thirty, are currently located in San Antonio, Texas. Their 'enhanced' website contains little information regarding the content of their Bible studies.  It is primarily a conduit for directing interested individuals to local study groups in select geographic areas.  BSF's emphasis on being "non-denominational" or "interdenominational," under the leadership of women, most often results in a de-emphasis of doctrine, an aversion to both the tension and conflict found in common life, and an elevation of religious "unity".  As one would expect, class discussions are carefully monitored by the leader to avoid "doctrinal" issues which might lead to disagreements (an anathema for both secular and religious liberals as well) and undermine the apparent success of the group.
The group's curriculum consists of seven studies, each taught over a nine month time frame and staggered by years.  Topics include: Genesis, Matthew, Life of Moses, Romans, John, History of Israel and the Minor Prophets, and The Acts of the Apostles.  Upon completion of the studies, students will have been indoctrinated into a largely non-dispensational view of the Word of God.  While they increasingly claim to understand the Bible, they regularly fail to see or discern the difference between Jesus' pre-Cross, earthly Gospel for Israel as their Messiah and the Risen Christ's heavenly Gospel for the Church.  While the goal is to familiarize students with the Bible (honorable), the Reformation perspective creates a particular bias of which they are unaware of.  Little to they realize the negative effect upon the believer's spiritual growth.  BSF is clearly a step in the wrong direction for anyone attending a dispensational fellowship or those wanting to study the Bible without a Reformed/covenant theological spin.
Being neo-evangelical in approach and receptive to an "end justifies the means" philosophy, BSF's popularity coincides with the rise of postmodern "diversity" and New Age inclusivism.  When evaluated within the context of today's ultra-liberal denominations with their low view of Scripture, BSF study groups certainly appear to be 'high ground', but only by comparison.  BSF currently holds to the inerrancy of Scripture, but inerrancy is no guarantee of either present or future doctrinal soundness.1 
While BSF increasingly offers classes for men and young adults, the organization was initially founded, attended, and controlled by women.  Historically, it has promoted itself via female-to-female networking in ecumenical, liberal, and inter/non-denominational community churches.  On the downside, the organization has proven attractive to some women who have a bent toward feminism, some who loathe male authority (so-called patriarchy), and those suffering from gender-inversion.  Some women have rationalized their domineering attitudes with the claim that their husbands have granted them "permission" to engage in their so-called "spiritual leadership," contra 1 Cor. 14:34 and 1 Peter 3:4.   Others proudly testify that BSF, in conjunction with the Bible, has entirely alleviated their propensity to assert authority, reversed their loyalty to feminism, and has even endowed them with a submissive spirit.  Maybe so.  Nevertheless, be aware that BSF can provide an opportunity for some women to remain entrenched in their gender-inversion and to deceptively disciple younger women in the cause of so-called "evangelical feminism".  These influences and individuals must be firmly resisted.2  
If you are recently born-again and find yourself in a liberal or ecumenical church, BSF may provide a step forward in biblical truth and hopefully a stepping stone to a safe and sound church environment.  This is the personal testimony of several women who have written us.  We fully acknowledge that each group can be unique, based on both the leader and/or composition of women in attendance.  However, for the sake of your spiritual well-being, we recommend you find a safe and sound local church.  While no church is perfect, some are definitely better than others.  Seek spiritual nourishment within a dispensational, Bible-centered fellowship.  If you are a pastor, elder, or deacon of a conservative and dispensational meeting, do not allow BSF entrance into your local church.  Let the liberals and neo-evangelicals rage--and trust me, they do quite often.  Remember, "A broad path is not a broad heart, but a broad conscience."
PS.  I have received emails from women and a few men, either currently or formerly, involved with BSF.  A few confirm my evaluation, while the majority protest loudly.  While I've attempted to acknowledge exceptions to my generalization of the group, many involved in BSF universalize their own experience and envision a perfectly homogeneous organization.  They can't imagine any variation from what they experience in their particular group.  Some claim a dispensational approach to Scripture (in perfect agreement with this site) is taught in their group, while others make the lofty claim that not one shred of feminism exists among the women in attendance.  According to their testimony, they are the pure embodiment of 1 Peter 3:4.  :-/  Yet, my very favorites are those who argue that discernment of error should be "left to Jesus," then proceed to write a multi-page diatribe accusing me (trash talking) of all forms of evil and having alliance with the Devil himself.
1 - For some real life examples, read The Verse Snatchers at a later time.
2 - Wayne Grudem's book, Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism? should be mandatory reading.

Be Still and Know

Be Still And Know

God's Justice

“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
Genesis 18:25
God’s judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah was right because of unrepentant sin.  God’s provision of deliverance for Lot and his family was right because they took the way of salvation God offered to them. God’s justice and His righteousness are woven together in perfect unity in His character and in the scriptures.  God never suspends one attribute to exercise another.  All that God does flows forth from all that God is in His character.  God is loving toward all He has made, because God is love.  God is just in all His judgments because God is righteous. There is never any contradiction in God.   When looking at the world and all its injustices, it is comforting to know that justice flows from the heart of a just God.  When judgment comes in any situation, it is comforting to know that God always does right.  As the time draws ever nearer for the Just Judge of all the earth to come and rule and reign as the Righteous King, may our hearts be aligned rightly regarding the awesome character of our holy God—the One who ALWAYS displays perfect justice and righteousness in every situation.
“We worship you today, Father, as the God of Justice and the God of Righteousness. Give to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, that we might rightly discern the circumstances in this world and in our personal lives from Your divine perspective.  Align our hearts with Yours, that we would never be offended by Your judgments, but always trust in Your righteousness.  In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen.”

Saturday, June 16, 2012

psalm 63 Scottish Metrical

Psalm 103 - Scottish Psalter 1650 (ACapella)

Boodskap deur die Nag

groene swangerling rypend gesond
oes gereed in barendsnood
as maar net die maaier weet
kreunend grond in pyn

oggendstond se goud is rooi
vanoggend as die koeie kom
aanstappend gedwee enkellid
weemoed hortend  emmers vol

spruit vol klip
kabbel trane rietgras seer
weenend wieg vinke blindlings
hoeveld son sy baan verloor

stomme plaaswerf
hoenderhok rou
oe gevestig op die weste
vir die donker om hul hart toe te vou

oor verre velde
deur treund valleie
op vleuels van die wind
snellend boodskap

die boer is dood

Friday, June 8, 2012

Van Riette dP se fb "geleen" ....

Hoe huil ek sommer so vroeg op n Vrydagoggend toe ek dit lees: ''When I was a kid, my Mum liked to make food for dinner every now & then & I remember one night in particular when she made dinner after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mum placed a plate of bread jam and extremely burned biscuits in front of my Dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my Dad did was reach for his biscuit, smiled at my Mum and asked me my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing my Mum apologize to my Dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said.'' Honey, I love burned biscuits.'' Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said.’ Your Mum put in a long hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides a burned biscuit never hurt anyone but harsh words do!'' You know, life is full of imperfect things... And imperfect people, I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults and choosing to celebrate each others differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing and lasting relationship. So... please pass me a biscuits. And yes, the burnt one will do just fine! Life is too short to wake up with regrets''... Love the people who treat you right and have compassion for the ones who don't. ENJOY LIFE NOW - IT HAS AN EXPIRY DATE."
God bless you!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012